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What you missed from the Holiday Party....

Last weekend we held our annual holiday party at MINI of St. Louis. There were over 70 members in attendance!

As a fundraiser, we raised money for the Delta Gamma Center for Children raffling off tickets for a MINI Tony Hawk signed skateboard and a $500 Clear Auto Bra. In total, we raised $510.

Thanks to everyone for your donations!

Announcements that were missed if you weren't at the party:

1. New STLMINI Logo: Doesn't it look great??

2. New T-Shirt Order! We have new shirts that can be ordered through the link below. At this point, we plan to place the final order on February 23rd. They will be ordered in the color below, all sizes run true to size/possibly a little small. At this point we are only asking for orders of the t-shirt, once they come in we will work out how to distribute the shirts. Most will be given out at events as people attend, for those that cannot make it to events we will ship at the cost of the member. T-shirts are $21.50 each.

Once payments are received we will reach out to you to get size information.

3. New Badges! We designed and ordered new, high quality badges. These are going to be given out at the events. In order to get these ready for each event for those that have not received it is even more important that ever to RSVP on the website in advance of the events! We will be providing new badges only, lanyard replacements can be purchased for $2 each. Every membership comes with 2 badges, if more or a replacement are needed they are $5 each.

4. 2018 Ambassadors: Don Wist and Melvyn Smith were chosen as our Ambassadors for 2018. They were chosen because of their outgoing and welcoming personalities at all the events to all new/old members.

5. 2018 Events Schedule was shared. Access the document here. All events are on the STLMINI calendar as well.

6. 2018 Officers were presented. See officer pictures here, and be sure to say hi to us at events! You will be able to locate is in our pink shirts like the teal one above!

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